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Indeed, the job provides a good income for the workers and the region, and a decent life for the brothers. He knew what was right, but why did it feel like it would destroy a part of his soul to do it? I keep hearing her.. Hes not giving much away. No! Practically shouted it in the middle of the camp. Even though he had all the windows open, Aarons office felt close and stifling. Oh God, and all the time He thrust the journal in Jasons face. Both his brothers were bound to be upset. Jeremy had a right to be included in this conversation. He didnt care what that man thought. Unsure what he wanted or needed, he held himself apart from the others. Im sorry for barging into your house. Its all okay cause he didnt do anything illegal? My mill has a third more capacity than his and you know it. Now he appreciated that Aaron could have been the only one to delivered seasoned wood that quickly. She didnt do anything wrong. You probably broke a couple of knuckles on their thick skulls.. I'll see if I can figure out how to post "The Chatelaine" on Archive of Our Own. Looking for your father?, No, I had no idea hed be here. Blood or experience? Youre the ones who agreed to bet the mountain and you all agreed to the rules.. What will you be like, child of my love? No. Half a dozen loggers loitered within earshot, trying to look like they were working. Why, April Duncans breath caught. Standing outside of Lotties, Jason gave himself a bracing speech. They both sat staring into their coffee. It both tempted and repelled Joshua. Oh, thank you, something to drink would be so nice., Now you two just sit there and dont move till I get back.. I know she is. Even when he was grief-stricken by their mothers death, their father made sure they knew how much they were loved. His brother Aaron. Pouring himself a cup, he frowned at the visible ripples in what should have been the smooth surface of the liquid. Not with that man!, Thats what really has you upset, isnt it, Joshua? Hutch struggles to keep his secret from Starsky when an old friend arrives. Will Josh's eyes be opened in time to prevent him from making a mistake? His brother. When youre ready to talk, Ill be there., Cmon, sweetheart, Lottie tugged on Aarons arm. And with Redmond Bass. A hearty laugh escaped Jason. She knows what a parent is. Well try it your way. Jason began to flip through the rest of the book, picking out passages about events he remembered the most. Not because of what he could gain or what he stood to lose? Oh god, Aaron. Ill do it, Jason, Lottie insisted, ever practical. Im never gonna believe Aaron Stempel is our half-brother and thats it., Sighing, Jeremy tossed his pebble away. Well, he Jason stumbled, trying to find words to defend the indefensible. Dont know why yet., Damned half-breed tryin to pass for white! Reds shout rose about their whispered conversation. Nice party., Yup, Jason agreed. Hes so angry and Im not sure why. Not even another Bolt. Leaning back against the wall of his house, Aaron drew hard on his expensive cigar. He regretted what he said to you. Jason recovered first. I got mad. Bolt, about your mountain, Both of the Bolt brothers froze in place. But his own stubborn pride made him snap, Is that why you treated us like garbage to be disposed of as quickly as possible?, Duncan tensed. Aaron began to explain in a tight voice. Today he could only sigh. An instant of irritation eased into resigned amusement. The trees are up on the mountain. Lottie tugged on Jasons sleeve. He was in a grand fury when he found out. This story first debuted in the zine 'Dreams to Last the Years' from the show 'Here Come The Brides'. Jason found he didnt much care how insulted the man felt. He groaned as he identified the intruder to his sanctuary. He just wanted this to be over so he could go off and lick his wounds. Its his turn tonight and we wouldnt want to deprive him of the pleasure of cleaning all of the evenings dishes., He patted Jason on the shoulder as he crossed to the door. Maybe those times hadnt so courageous when losing his life had never really mattered that much to him. I cant do that, Aaron. Well, maybe not forget but it would become less and less important as the days passed. So Aaron couldnt even have been two when his mother died., Duncans head jerked up. Jason stopped just inside the open doorway to Aarons house, unrepentantly eavesdropping. He realized his mistake instantly. But will Candy's mother's letter change . Winning his approval would mean a long-term contract with the United States Government. He was a Bolt son, the oldest as a matter-of-fact; didnt he deserve some legacy? Jonathan Bolt was my father, he said, his voice hoarse and strained. Jason, I still dont get it. Josh complained. What dont you know how to do, Aaron? A member of an HCTB fanfic site proposed a challenge: write a story that includes Jason, Biddie, a broken wagon wheel, a bottle of perfume, knitting, and fog. He knew bird-dogging Aaron all night would only stoke the mans ire, but he couldnt dismiss the feeling that Aarons fuse was burning and the explosion would happen tonight. Good morning, Mr. Stempel.. She spoke of long days in an unfamiliar environment. But he could feel everything hed worked for start to crumple around him. No, I cant believe that. Jeremy nodded a greeting as some of the brides exited the dormitory to wait for their own beaus. This was such a great read! He never called me son. Aaron pushed himself forward, locking eyes with Jason. Nope. He hoped they had the good sense to stay away from Aaron tonight. Insulting the man because he was an arrogant jerk Jeremy could accept, even enjoy. Oh, God, he whispered, rubbing an agitated hand across his jaw. Please, Candy, look at me. What he saw raised a lump in his throat. Jeremy jerked his head back just in time to avoid the boot whisking by his nose. He wasnt trying to hide, he told himself, but only one group would be heading this way at this time of the morning and he didnt want to meet them. There was only one way Red and his crew could have known that Stempel was part Indian. I dont really want to hear it. All day long hed tussled with his dilemma. Even Jason looked a little pained by his intrusion. Yeah, I was. Bouncing a pebble in his hand, Jeremy squinted at Josh out of the corner of his eye. There Ive said it. When our child is older, he will choose a name according to the customs of my people. Yes, I live about 40 miles NW of Minneapolis. A silent growl rumbled in Aarons chest. Hed never been afraid of death. He wasnt ashamed of his heritage. Frantically, Jason searched for the source of the screams. He hoped he wasnt too late to get some. Hes asking questions I wont be able to answer until hes a sight older. Who raised him to expect rejection as his due?But how could I have done anything else? I told them to be in your office by noon.. Looks like Red, Billy and George were trying to beat up Stempel. Rising, Duncan crossed to the cupboard. Both of them already darkening with bruises, his left was more swollen with a couple gashes over the knuckles. Nothing you said will ever be heard by another soul., I never thought otherwise, He leaned forward to press a kiss to her forehead. As long as you swear youre not hiding any broken ribs under there., Nothing broken, he assured her. This isnt easy., I know. He stared fiercely into Jasons eyes, looking for what Jason didnt know. Any comment might set him off and a Bolt comment was practically guaranteed to start fireworks. All up and down the street, heads cranked this way and that. Josh felt a slight flush of superiority. So was Joshua. About my mother., And you got angry, didnt you, Aaron? Jason prompted quietly. Besides the obvious?, Get out of here, Bolt, Aarons voice was strained. Reaching across the table, Jason offered what comfort he could. Jason tried to look inconspicuous, but hed never been very good at fading into a crowd. Lori, is that you????? I dont like that he lied then but I can understand., For three years after Momma died, he still kept the secret. Just close the damned thing, he told himself. I do., And your father a man who loved both you and your mother. Duncan ignored Aarons soft grunt. Love? Hes an arrogant, self-righteous, cold-hearted prig. I dont want to believe it, but its true. Jeremy wanted to go back to the time when he understood the world and the people around him. For two days, he fought the battle within himself. Hardly a bairn., Aye, but still young to take on the responsibilities of a family.. Whats this all about? Lottie appeared at the edge of the crowd, one arm draped protectively around Candy. Shuffling a few pages further, he started to read. Contracted yellow fever crossing the Isthmus. Aaron stepped into the lamplight, his expression unreadable. Have faith, Aaron, Jason declared, but with a little less than his usual enthusiasm. Tell me every single thing you remember about her. Were still the same family we were, but were not.. Knowing only a part of the truth is worse than anything you could tell us.. He hadnt needed the Bolt name or any Bolt help. I saw the journal, in Fathers handwriting. You have my word., I hope so, she whispered. Didnt say I believed it., Seems to me you aint got no reason to defend Stempel, Red continued to glare. He considered who it could be. I deeply regret my part in this tragedy. Cmon, Aaron, lets go take a walk.. I didnt mean to upset you, Lottie., Wiping her eyes, she gave his hand a smart slap. Oh, its not for you, Biddie tittered. Bolt, Aaron returned the greeting, his face wiped clear of expression. Jeremy identified two more Bolt loggers as they were pulled free from the fight. Undiluted compassion for the man unexpectedly struck Joshua. I guess I can understand why he didnt say anything then. If it werent for business, I wouldnt wanna talk to any Bolts. Your father saw to that.. Always acting like hes our better when he aint nothing but a damned injun.. Candys talking to her now., His oldest brother nodded in sympathy. You know, Standing with him, she gathered up the empty beer mugs. The name of his mothers tribe captured his attention as he turned pages. As the uproar created by General Ashlands announcement died down, Jason scanned the crowd for Aaron. Before all this started hed never spent a moment consider what Stempels life might have been like before he came to Seattle. The gift would have little significance unless they knew the story behind it. And you might be?, Jason took the generals hand in a hearty handshake, his expression as bewildered as Aaron felt. Now that youve read his journal, you must know how much he regretted losing you and your mother in Scotland. Offering his hand, he helped Lottie to her feet. Well, Mr. Bolt, your logging operation appears to be more than adequate to supply the governments needs at this time.. My wife, lord, lord. Have patience.. He thought of pulling the pillow over his head but knew it wouldnt do any good. How much worse would it have been if there had been no family around him and everyone spoke an alien language? I dont know if I can ever call that man brother., Seating himself at the table, Jeremy folded his hands in front of him. What about the other side? I cant tell you how wonderful that makes me feel., In fact, there are some of us who find it rather she giggled, hiding her mouth beneath her fingertips. The sudden memory of his fathers expression as he sat beside Mother and baby Jeremy brought an unexpected sting to Jasons eyes. Before he caught his breath, instinct sent his fists seeking targets. Because Im the one who just found out. Jason Bolt intoned behind him. Grateful, he nodded. No, you dont understand, Aaron sighed. Josh could detect no hint of I told you so in Jeremys tone. W-w-w-e have a younger b-b-b-brother? Jeremy stammered, his eyes so wide they seemed to encompass his entire face. Jasons chest filled with pride as he watched Joshua help Jeremy adjust the new suit hed bought specifically for his wedding. He remembered Joshuas incessant questions and his fathers red-faced replies. You answered some questions which I wished had been handled in the series regarding Jason and when responsible for the brothers. I am afeared. We wont muss a hair on her head, Harve assured him. He recalled how tenderly Father had cared for their mother in her final weeks. I take it all is not well in the Bolt household.. You sure you dont need me to help clean up?, We can handle it, Candy sighed heavily. I dont think this cat can be put back in its bag. Your father would nae listen to reason. Her sweet response warmed him. The only day sadder in my life was when your father left Kilmarron. Abandoning his quest for the moment, Aaron strode across the room to the new arrival. To think of that man walking around town as if he owns it and he aint even totally human!, Ive heard some rumors, Red, George smirked. Of course, Jason had won but not quite as easily as hed assumed he would. Sounds like it to me. The memory of the incident still stung. Thanks for sharing!! For Love Chapter 1, a here come the brides fanfic | FanFiction JASON Kissing a woman was as intoxicating as savoring a shot of good whiskey, especially a willing woman like Hannah Baird. I really am fine, Lottie., She gestured him to sit down. Congratulations, he whispered. A girlfriend? I dont wanna talk about this any more., I said get out. He shot Jason a look of pure steel. He had hoped that reading the words of Jonathan and Miri would help them come to terms with themselves and their father. We never heard what happened to the girl and the child after they left., She died, came a rumbling voice. I can tell by the doctors face and feel it within myself. Now at twenty-six, his fathers human struggles were being forcibly illustrated. Jeremy scrambled back up to his feet. Yes. Jason straightened and faced him directly. I had no idea Stempel helped us out after Fathers death. He wasnt going to read them. In a storm of grief and confusion hed paid little attention to the world outside of their cabin in the months after their father died. Aaron flipped through pages of the fragile journal. Aaron Stempels still the same man we knew yesterday, and yet hes not. Now and then, I suppose. Duncan sighed. Swackhamer Writers The father hed known would never consider such a thing. Remember when you were here the first time. He even seemed to be enjoying their competition as much as Jason. Do you have any doubt in your mind at all that this savage couldnt change your life?, Jason wrapped long arms around Aarons shoulders, tugging him back. Just came in to warm up., Josh checked the surge of irritation. Harve held the struggling Billy against the wall. Ive known the man almost fifteen years and he knows just about everything about the Bolts, but I have no idea if his mothers still alive or not. How could a man like that have a drop of Bolt blood in his veins? I think I would., Even if it meant learning something hurtful about your father?, She smiled ruefully, I dont think theres anything hurtful about my father that I dont already know., Split milk, she shook her head. He didnt want to think. Unless you enjoy the taste of blood.. Im just not hungry., Josh knew that making sure his belly was full wasnt what had brought Jeremy to his lonely tree. His eyebrows furrowed as he listened. And he never would. I wonder what he thought of me. He scampered out of the saloon, dreading his next task, but with a little lighter heart. If he were a more violent man, he would have smacked the man cross-eyed. And it doesnt make him more. Battles would be fought in the future, wrong turns taken, steps retraced as each of them defined their own place in the family. What a hardship it was. He toppled his desk on its ear. Aaron had no doubt if it came to a choice between him and Joshua and Jeremy which direction Jason would turn. Oh, God, why did it have to be him? Could they have jumped to conclusions? so you're all invited to the wedding +. Choices was always a favorite of mine! Setting down his fork, Jason closed his eyes briefly. Regardless of what Bolt called him, hed been man grown when they first laid eyes on each other. Jason was a little surprised when Aaron didnt pull away. He was at sea for months at a stretch and didnt spend a lot of time wondering how we would survive while he was gone. and 3) Why does Jeremy seem so different from his brothers? He must have or Jason would never have given them to me to read. Evening, Aaron, he shouted as he approached the man. To say, Father, am I doing this right? He smiled wistfully. Aaron resisted the urge to squirm under that bright, sincere gaze. Being part Indian didnt make him less of a man. He sank down in his chair with a groan. I know youre not mad at me. Bobby Sherman was part of the cast of "Here Come the Brides," a TV show which aired from 1968 - 1970. Its you, Duncan whispered. Here Come the Brides was a TV-series of 2 seasons that ran from September 1968 to April 1970. All that anger can be a very heavy burden. Duncan pulled himself upright. Jason noticed them at the same time. Muscles taut, Jason jerked upright in his bed. In fact this party is in honor of my brother Jeremy and his new bride Candy. Of course, hed never mentioned a relationship other than the one to their mother. A part of him yearned toward that solution. Handing a glass to each of them, he poured a liberal draught for all.

Lynne Rayburn Age,